Sunday, November 14, 2010

Trailer for 'Last Night' released


Contrary to what my posting record lately may have you believe, I am in fact alive and still watching movies, just not new ones. I honestly have not sat in a movie theater in months. Blame it on location. I'm either nowhere near a quality theater or if I am, it's infested with bed bugs. ANYway, as you may have guessed from the subject, the trailer for the long-awaited film "Last Night" has at last been released. It's had a bit of a rocky upstart over the last few years due to Miramax going under, a shift that left many projects indefinitely shelved, including this one. Luckily it has found a distributor and is slated for a release early next year. I have read the script, and I am extremely excited for it. It's somewhat similar to "Closer" but with sympathetic characters.

Note: there are better quality versions on YouTube, but this was the only one that allowed embedding.

In other Keira Knightley news, they have also released a trailer for 'London Boulevard' which you can view here and a handful of new stills from 'A Dangerous Method' which you can view here